29 June 2008

6/29/2008 - Pyramids and the King

I entered the book store where the lecture of the Ancient Pyramids was held and there at the register was a friend that I have not seen in many years. Mr. King once jammed with my old band and I had several classes with him in high school.

The lecture was interesting, but the most amazing part was when I found out that the Egyptians actually casted their own stones for a big part of the construction of many of the pyramids. The casting was done with rubble, limestone dust and a binding agent (some sort of poison, but I don't remember the name.) They actually used wood forms, completed the casting and flipped over the mold. This has been proven from a polymer institute as fact, not conjecture!

After the lecture, I caught up with Mr. King on all that he has been up to in the 14 years since I last saw him. He is dabling in mystical subjects and is still into music, but from more of a spiritual conscience angle.

We exchanged numbers.

27 June 2008

6/27/2008 - Eye of Horus

My wife, son and I were driving back from dinner one night when I saw a sign out front of a local business. It had an Eye of Horus on it which caught my attention. The business name was Canteras Del Rey.

26 June 2008

6/26/2008 - Islands in the Stream

I was on the bus this morning reading Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert and I found an interesting statements that I found curious. The author was having a conversation when meditating with her mind, which was trying to distract her from the meditation:

"Mind:...So let's imaging that you're an island in...a river!

Me: Oh, you mean like Bannerman Island, in the Hudson River?

Mind: Yes! Exactly! Perfect. Therefore, in conclusion, let's meditate on this image--envision that you are an island in a river. All the thoughts that float by as you're meditating, these are just the river's natural currents and you can ignore them because you are an island.

Me: Wait, I thought you said I was a temple.

Mind: That's right, sorry. You're a temple on an island. In fact, you are both the temple and the island."

The reason why this hit me as important is that for years (18+) I have been meditating using visualization. During these visualizations, I "built" a "temple" or sorts to visit to help with meditations. It is a nice cave type area with torches on the walls a stone seat facing a large underground lake (similar to the description of Voldemort's hiding place of one of his Horcruxes). When visualizing going to this temple, I am standing at a bank of a river facing an island, a stone bridge appears and I am able to walk onto the island and descend the stairs into my temple.

You can see how the conversation with herself about a temple on an island in a river took me by surprise.

Later that day while coming back home, I read this which seemed to profound that I had to read it three times and sat staring off at the mountains in contemplation:

"'This is what everyone has come here for.' According to the mystics, this search for divine bliss is the entire purpose of a human life. This is why we all chose to be born, and this is why all the suffering and pain of life on earth is worthwhile--just for the chance to experience this infinite love. And once you have found this divinity within, can you hold it? Because if you can...bliss."

25 June 2008

6/25/2007 - Cool Phone

It has been pretty quiet on the Tao front.

My wife picked up a new phone for me today, the number contains the number 1, three 4's and three 5's. If you take out the 1 (me), it is 444 and 555. 444=12 and 555=15. 12+15=27. 27 deduces to 9 then 3.


Regardless, I really like the phone number.

12 June 2008

6/12/2008 - Never Get to Acoma

We have friends in town this week. We all decide that we will go to the Pueblo of Acoma, a really cool Native pueblo on top of a skinny and tall mesa:


We set off, and get gas and realize that we left a backpack carrier for my son, so we returned to the house. We finally got on the highway and were immediately met by a huge traffic jam.

I turn around on the highway and backtrack to the previous exit. We travel on the frontage road and it quickly turns into a dirt road. We pass a couple laughing going back the way we were going. We found out why when the road ended in the Rio Puerco, which is a dry river bed. We decided to descend into the river to see if we could get to the next exit, which was only about a half mile further.

We almost flipped my 4runner, got stuck in mud that had a two inch crust on top of it and went up a promising road that ended in a dead end. Thankfully we realized that we should turn back and get out of the river bed. We did find a cross through that went to the other frontage road and were finally on our way to Acoma.

Once on the highway again, I started hearing rattling. I found out quickly that the wind deflector on top of the moon roof was loose and was about to fly off. At that moment my son asked to stop and go potty. We were starting to realize that something was not wanting us to go to Acoma today.

Once we stopped and adjusted the wind deflector and drained our son's tank, I told everyone that we could not ignore the signs and we must go back. We flipped a coin just to be sure and it came up tails...time to high tail it back to Albuquerque. We went through Los Lunas and ate at Blakes before going to the Rattlesnake museum (which was small, but pretty cool.)


What an adventurous day!

06 June 2008

6/06/2008 - Japanese Kitchen

I was sitting eating with my wife and friend and looked on the table and found a similar symbol as this:

The only difference was it was in a black circle and it was below a set of chopsticks. Very similar to the Think+ symbol.


05 June 2008

6/05/2008 - Unlucky Clover?

I thought it was amusing that the next day after putting my "lucky" clover into my wallet, I left my wallet at home when I went to my last day at work. I took out a couple of my friends from work telling them I would pay and then after the check arrived, ended up not having my wallet. It sounded like I totally set them up...it made me kinda chuckle. Maybe the clover is unlucky because it has a bite out of one of the leaves when I found it?

04 June 2008

6/04/2008 - Lucky Clover

Has anyone ever found a four leaf clover? I have tried my entire life to find one and never actually have succeeded.

Today I was walking in the grass while waiting for my wife and son to meet me for lunch. I found a small plum tree and decided that it looked like a nice place to sit down until they arrive. I noticed that there were many clovers on the grass in this area. I felt like I would be able to find one for some strange reason so I looked down in front of my knees. Within just a few seconds I spied one. All of these plants were three leaved and I traced this single four leafed clover to a plant that had all three leaves. I pulled the plant and showed it to my wife. I pulled it out and put it in my wallet and went out and bought a lottery ticket.

02 June 2008

6/02/2008 - Welcome

I walk up to the mailbox today and knew even before I opened unlocked it that the Order's membership packet was there. I had received a letter last week stating that in a couple of weeks it would arrive. There was no reason why I would expect it only a couple of days later. In the packet was a second copy of the two pamphlets I have been using for weeks now in my meditations. I have that part down!