27 October 2008

10/27/2008 - Like Father Like Son

I went to lunch with Leo today. We discussed personal lives, politics and the Mayan calendar. I was fascinated to find that the calendar's proposed end of the world (December 20th, 2012) is actually the end of a 2600 year cycle, called a b'ak'tun. This timing seems to align with the current transition into the age of Aquarius and historically with the beginning of Leo age approx 13,000 years ago.

Key numbers in this calendar are 4, 13 and 20 which represent different cogs which rotate in different ways to display the dates of the calendar.

Leo's point about the alignment with these and other calendars is that it seems that the world in general has had more change in it over the past eight years then it has in a long time. We discussed the possibility that these changes may continue until 2012 when a global consciousness shift occurs signaling the arrival of the Aquarian age.

I also asked him about the significance to him of the KJ suited from the other night. He, before even hearing the context of the story, said something like this of the two Major Arcana cards: "I would say the King represents the father and Jack the son...a representation of the coming together of two worlds, the spirit and the physical and the knowledge transfer between them."

Comparing the numbers in the Mayan calendar and the poker night I find the following:

-A pair of four's won the hand (4 being important in the Mayan Calendar)
-K is card # 13 in the suit (13 being important as well)
-J is card # 11 in the suit (No significance that I can think of with 11 and the calendar)
-Maybe there were four King's, four Jack's, two four's and four players who did not fold (4+4+4+4+4 = 20, the third number...hhhhmmmm)

Was my presence the reason for this synchronicity? Was this just another way for the universe to let me know that I am still walking the path in the correct way and it is leading me to enlightenment (even at a poker game?)

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