11 May 2009

5/11/2009 - Time Machine

I had an interesting day today.

It all started as I was reading to my son the Dr. Seuss book "I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today." I noted the number of tigers and how many were being subtracted:

30 - 1 = 29
29 - 7 = 22
22 - 9 = 13
13 - 5 = 8
8 - 5 = 3
3 - 2 = 1

Fibbonachi's sequence jumped out at me after 22 (30, 29, 22, 13, 8, 5, 3, 2, 1)

I thought it was interesting, but I did not think much of it other than to pay attention to any other odd happenings.

Later I was reading about this Giant Mystery Blob scientists found out in space which is the biggest object found to exist in the longest look back in time we have ever achieved (55,000 light-years across and 12.9 billion years old):


The next interesting thing was an old episode of X-men I was watching with my son about future mutants/heroes going back in time to "fix" time disturbances in order to release misery brought on the people of their perspective times.

This got me to thinking about the nature of time. Not only is the progression of time inescapable as it is scientific law, but it is also only a man made element of perception based on our local environment. Time as we know it would fail to exist without us perceiving it. Our perception would not stop the planet from rotating precisely at the speed it does and rotate around the sun in the way it does allowing for the myriad of life we know and love.

Anyhow, I was thinking about the xmen episode and how the small changes in the character's pasts using time machines completely messed up their futures when it dawned on me...we currently have the same power over time. What we as humanity do now is given as a legacy to future generations of humans. We can become the time machine to the past, or more importantly we have the power over the future. This in mind I am more convinced than ever that what I personally do to improve humanity can have a positive effect on the lives of others down the stream.

Kind of cool huh?

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