28 April 2008

4/28/2008 - Lunch with Leo - G5


I brought sandwiches to Leo's and was anxious to discuss the latest synchronicities with him.

He listened intently and was nodding his head for what seemed to be a little too enthusiastically. After reviewing all of what I could recall from the past few weeks, he stopped me and ran into the other room returning with two books.

Leo had two copies, hard and soft back, of the Crowley Liber 777 “vel Prolegomena Symbolica ad Systemam Sceptico-Mysticae Fundamentum Hieroglyphicum Sanctissimorum Scientae Summae” book and understood completely what I was saying about the tree of life.

Turns out that he learned a technique many years ago. The technique revolved around meditating and emulating tones to sooth and center during meditations. This man who lived in Colorado Springs founded a company named "Infinite Systems Your Solutions"...ISYS. GONG!

I discussed the layout of the numbers and Fibonacci stuff and the code of numbers I found and he brought up his music/color topic. He showed me a book discussing frequency of color and sound and their similarities. He showed me another book which discussed the same topic from a member of the Order. He bought a midi board and an interface to use with his keyboard to put tones into the computer which he would like to program to associate with colors.

I found this amazing because I have wanted for years to build a program to integrate color with music for painting music or scanning images to see how they sound.

We tried to no avail to decode the number(s) that came to me, Leo did discuss some of the numbers and how they can be represented by Hebrew letters including "God the father" and "God the son".

Leo, because of the Choose Your Destiny gong, lent me the DVD and book "The Secret."

He told me I really need to write all this synchronistic stuff down.

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