01 May 2008

5/01/2008 - Ratatouille - G6


Talked to Leo and he wished me happy Beltane and asked if we were going to the ritual in the mountains. We were not, but I wished him a merry time.

While watching Ratatouille, the following scene struck me as synchronicity GONG:


Good food is like music you can taste, color you can smell. There is excellence all around you. You need only be aware to stop and savor it.

Remy notices a leftover plate of FRUITS & CHEESES. He picks up a small slice of cheese and takes a bite.


Gusteau was right. Each flavor was totally unique.

As Remy closes his eyes his surroundings FADE TO BLACK. An amorphous COLORED SHAPE appears above his head accompanied by a cello bass line.


Oh, yeah. Amazing. But... combine one flavor with another--
Cheese still in his mouth, Remy takes a bite of the STRAWBERRY.

REMY (CONT’D) -and something new was created.

New COLORED SHAPES and musical signatures appear; swirling and dancing in harmony with the others.

Emailed the info to Leo for his opinion:

My wife and I were watching Ratatouille (Disney/pixar and we all know about their supposed roots) and the main character was told not to focus on the negative to “see” (I love the Castaneda-esque term so much!) what it was in life he wanted. Just before this a chef on TV in the movie said something like “Food is like music you can taste…colors you can smell”, and after this he eats a piece of food while closing his eyes and “see”s colors swirling with cool blues, greens and yellows based on the stimuli of the different foods. The only cognitive sense remaining from our discussion and experience is tactile. Taking this one step at a time is definitely the way to go for adding taste, smell or touch would be overbearing and counter productive. I think it strange that this topic is expanding before my eyes. I just feel like I can’t “see” for the trees and that something deeper is missing from the equation.

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