06 May 2008

5/06/2008 - Wife Psychic? - HA GONE!

During a meeting this morning, I wrote down "Think +." on my notepad. I wrote it as a note to a friend about how she should think positively to help her get out of the rut she is in.
I have for the past three days been thinking positively. I have been telling my body that it does not need the pain and that my headache is cured, gone forever. Well, this morning I woke up and it really was gone forever! This is the happiest day I have had in a long time. It is gone, and I am so glad!

My wife, son and I went to get ice cream to celebrate at Stone Cold (Steve Austin) Creamary (hehehe) next to a toy store. After the ice cream, my wife wanted to return something to the toy store. My son and I went to the car to wait for her. When we got in to the car, he said “We don’t have a ball?” I asked what he meant and he said “we have this toy, but we don’t have any balls in the car.”

I told him that I knew we did not and maybe Mommy would get him one in the toy store. I thought that I should call her and ask, but her cell phone was in the car with us. I attempted to “ask” her through thought. We waited in the car and she came out and immediately said “Look what I brought you buddy!" and pulled out a green rubber ball from the bag she brought with her.

She said that she saw them there and thought that he would like one.

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