31 July 2008

7/31/2008 - Heart of the Lion - G14

GONG #14

I went to lunch with Leo today. We had an excellent discussion about a movie he recently saw; DALAI LAMA RENAISSANCE directed by Khashyar Darvich. This movie documents the happenings of a conference with the Dalai Lama and forty of the worlds top thinkers as they attempt to solve the problems of the world.

Leo was disappointed because all of these individuals came together and instead of identifying and planning methods to help solve the world's problems, they just built a microcosm of the same problems the rest of the world have: pride, ignorance, negativity and close-mindedness.

We discussed what the problems actually were. Leo listed them previously as hunger, disease, oppression/slavery, ignorance, homelessness and being financially destitute. He had a wonderful idea to help solve the worlds problems and the solution starts with education.

I told Leo about my realization of universal love and the situation that helped bring it about. I explained how I felt the day I told my co-worker that I would go to the ends of the earth for her. When this came to me at that moment it was almost as if my heart knew this feeling was true and it was saying the words for me. We discussed an innerconnection to the Universe/Creator/God which may explain that feeling.

At the end of the meal we received fortune cookies. Leo's read something like "You will meet new friends soon."

We were both astounded to read my fortune:

"Your heart will always make itself known through your words"


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