17 March 2009

3/17/2009 - Cauda Draconis Returns

I decided today after consulting Leo that I am going to temporarily stop my membership to the Order. I have always taken heed the message from the sparrows from a spiritual perspective mentioned in the post by that name on 11/18/2008:

"If you obtain Cauda Draconis as an answer to a spiritual question: stop and think. You might be influenced and pushed in a dangerous, harmful direction, harmful and destructive for you as well as for others. Analyze your deeper motives and try to understand your real intentions when it comes to spirituality, or should we say magic? Are you sure your quest is not motivated by the desire to dominate other human beings without paying the price of true initiation which always involve reaching down to the depths of yourself? But maybe you are not the problem: take a critical look at the person you have chosen as your spiritual guide and examine his motivations. Do not lose hope however, and remember the one who said: seek, and you will find... Trust your intuition, it can change everything."

Not that I have any issue whatsoever with Leo being a wall on which I can bounce my spiritual revelations, I just have come to realize that the universe will unveil its knowledge to me as it is ready. If it means returning to the Order at a later time, I am sure it will make itself available again.

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