21 March 2009

3/22/2009 - A Year and a Day Later

Well, it has been a full year since the beginning of this adventure. One year ago I was discussing Leo's affinity to the Order, the change I sensed in my life and the new beginning of Tao in my life. I truly do feel like a different person and want to share the important lessons I learned:

1. Love - As hippy-dippy, peaceful and ridiculous as it may sound, love is main secret the universe has presented to me this year. I know now that as I live my life I should do everything in my power to present love in what I do. I would walk to the end of the earth for anyone...absolutely anyone

2. Walk the walk - After spending much energy on figuring out which path to walk in order to become most enlightened I found that is does not matter. It is not the path one takes, it is the way in which one travels. Walk life's path with power, intent, kindness and a smile on your face and you will not go wrong.

3. Think + - Do not live life down in the dumps. Live it with a positive attitude and positive things will happen to you. You will always achieve happiness if you live in the eternal positive.

4. Life is one big lesson - No matter what happens, use what seems to be horrible situations as opportunities to learn. There is no use on letting tragic events force you into a downward spiral because not only can always be worse, but it will always get better. Learning this helped me turn bad situations into positive learning experiences.

5. Pay attention - The universe is always communicating, keep an eye out for the signs. Interpreting synchronicity to help guide you can have amazing results.

6. Pray - Religion aside, spending time in solitude to meditate brings you closer to your inner self and in turn closer to God. If you do have the opportunity to do so, think good thoughts about anyone you can think of, or generally the entire planet...God knows we need the positive energy.

7. Gratitude - Part of being a happier person is feeling greatful for all the events in my life which brought me to where I am right here. Being greatful for the good things and people in your life will in turn bring more good things your way.

Thank you for reading!

The next year and a day will be refferred as "The Year of Love" to reflect the focus I personally will have on showing as much compassion and selfless love I can. The Blog title will now reflect this name.

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