02 September 2010

9/2/2010 - Car Trouble

I was driving home from work today and was nearly pushed out of my lane by an agressive driver. This man was weaving back and forth through traffic generally being unsafe. I pulled up to a red light in which there was a long line of cars. I had to turn left and got to the front of the main line when I noticed that the man was back several cars in the line going straight. I thought to myself, "it would be really deserving if the car in front of him stalled out and forced him to be stuck in that line for just a while. Maybe it would teach him a lesson in patience."

While I was waiting for the left arrow to turn green, the main light did change. I looked in my rearview mirror and watched as each car ahead of him started to move. I then noticed something amazing...his car was not moving an inch. It turns out that his vehicle was the one that had stalled. I continued to watch as cars honked and flashed their lights at him while he slowly moved down the road.

It is so amazing how my thoughts seem to manipulate my surroundings!

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