10 September 2010

9/10/2010 - Wishful Thinking

This previous weekend my son and I were in the backyard and he looked over to our push scooter and said "Daddy, I have an idea. We should get one of those scooters that you do not have to push.  You know, the kind with a motor that go by them selves."

I laughed and said "Yes son, we should check into that" and put no more thought into it.

This afternoon I was going out to lunch with a friend when he asked me if I could take some LP's our of his trunk to the post office on the way to eat.  I said sure and backed my car up so his.  We got out of the car and before he opened the trunk he said "Hey, would you be interested in a scooter?"

"No, we already have one" I told him.

"This is one with a motor that you do not have to push." and I just stopped short and smiled.

I had not told my friend anything about what my son had hoped for and amazingly he arrives with the exact thing!  I accepted the gift from my firend (and the Universe!) and took it home for my son.  He and my wife both were amazed and enjoy the scooter!

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