31 May 2008
5/31/2008 - Pyramid Gong
26 May 2008
5/26/2008 - Tao Quotes - G12
My wife, son and I go to the mall to buy her a new iPod as we are not as concerned as we were about money now that I have a solid job offer. My son and I went into the book store to potty. On the way out I saw three books that I have or am soon to read: Pillars of the Earth...Eat, Pray, Love...and The Secret. This struck me as odd, but I walked past them and out of the store. After contemplating it, I went back in and tried to figure out why these three significant to me books were right together on the end cap. They are the upper left corner of the shelf and none of the other books seemed important. I noticed that they looked like an arrow pointing up and to the left. Where could they be pointing? I finally noticed that there was a section of Ann Rice in the row behind that it seemed to be pointing to and was astonished when I saw the title, “Christ the Lord, Out of Egypt.” I bought it and intend to put it in my reading queue right behind Eat, Love, Pray.
That night I finished the Tao book and OMG! They quoted Castaneda, one of my favorites. They talked about a talk that Carlos and Don Juan had about PATHS Don Juan said:
"Anything is one of a million paths. Therefore you must always keep in mind that a path is only a path: if you feel you should not follow it, you must not stay with it under any conditions. To have such clarity you must lead a disciplined life. Only then will you know that any path is only a path, and there is no affront, to oneself or to others, in dropping it if that is what you heart tells you to do. But your decision to keep on the path or leave it must be free of fear or ambition...look at every path closely and deliberately. Try it as many times as you think necessary."
He goes on to say
"Does the path have heart? If it does, the path is good; if it doesn't it is of no use. Both paths lead nowhere; but one has heart, the other doesn't. One makes for a joyful journey; as long as you follow it, you are one with it. The other will make you curse your life. One makes you strong; the other weakens you."
What I got out of this from my perspective is that I have been so concerned about being shown the path and what direction am I going and how am I going to get there and where there is? I realized that it is not the end result, not which choice to make to start on the path; it is how one travels on the path. It does not matter if I chose a job in CO, or at the investment firm or the other jobs, it matters how I act and how my heart feels about the journey. If you have a positive attitude (THINK+) your journey and end result will be successful and prosperous! I discussed this with my wife before I completely finished the book.
The book shortly after that part quotes the bible trying to associate the Kingdom of God with synchronicity and that it will "provide for material needs if one seeks the Kingdom of God."
The quote form the bible is this:
"Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arranged like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you. O man of little faith? Therefore do not be anxious, saying, 'what shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'...your heavenly Father knows you need them all. But seek first his Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well."
-Matthew 6:26-30
25 May 2008
5/25/2008 - Church Quote
24 May 2008
5/24/2008 - The Order and Cash
23 May 2008
5/23/2008 - Job Offer and Give Notice - G11
I got an official job offer and put in my two week notice. If I do not get an offer form my old job, I will start this new job on the 9th....June 9th, the 4 week mark! GONG!
Found interesting quote at beginning of the book:
"For once color is music. Whether one takes Rothko's color as a melodic sequence or a simultaneous chord, it is often rich beyond expectation and like music, somewhat inexplicable...somewhere here is a doorway to another world."
-Roger Lipsey The Spiritual in 20th Century Art
Meditation asking for knowledge of the correct path to take, which job, which way?
22 May 2008
5/22/2008 - Another Interview
After the interview, my wife called saying that the ISYS guy wanted to speak with me badly. He basically wanted to move forward with trying to get me up to Greeley. We discussed our options and I told him to call me tomorrow. Just as I got off the phone the local recruiter called and told me that the new job was a go and they wanted to make me an offer with exceptional salary. I verbally accepted.
After these two calls I stared down at my phone amazed at how much good luck I was having. I thought for some reason that there was another call going to come though and then my cell rang again. I was my old job offering verbally a job. My friend told me that I should take the job contract job and then I should get an offer before I start and I can tell them never mind.
I was thinking that this whole this was coming at me so fast and from all angles and this was not a clear path to the right place, but a bunch of really good opportunities. How was I to tell which was best?
Confused but excited, my son and I go to his first baseball game. That was a blast!
Got the first of two books on Tao: The Tao of Psychology by Jean Shinoda Bolen and intent to read it all this long weekend.
I have not had a chance for a meditation all week
20 May 2008
5/20/2008 - Everybody Wants Me - G10
I got two calls from recruiters today. Once from the ISYS guy from Colorado (I called him back yet again last week). I got two interviews that "popped" up today one was with a local investment firm and the other back at my old job. Both went incredibly well. I seemed to be one step ahead of the first guy and knew I answered every question as we expected. He seemed very interested. The old job interview went even better. They basically told me that they were excited that I was coming back and that an offer would be extended soon.
The interview went so well that I was late for a doctor appointment scheduled at 4. I thought twice about it because he is a stickler and states that any missed appointments would be paid in full at $160/hour. I called the doctor at 4:05 leaving a message for him that I would arrive as soon as I could. I made it to his office in 20 minutes, at least a 30 to 45 minute drive. The interesting thing is that I knew I would make it there in plenty of time and was not worried about it in the least. Lights seemed lined up, freeway open. This is a 15+ mile drive across and through town.
Once I get there, the place seemed empty. He, also a chronic pain sufferer, works out of his house. I called through the house and no one answered. Disappointed, I started writing a note when he walks out from the hallway.
"How long have you been here?" he asks. I told him that I had just got there. "Oh good, my previous patient canceled and I fell asleep."
He had not even got my message and did not even know I was concerned about having a canceled appointment.
I went over everything that has been going on today and he seemed pleased. We reviewed an ADHD test I took a few weeks ago and found that I am in the 99th percentile to having an attention problem and am most definitely ADHD without Hyperactivity....Can anyone say CLARITY!
The entire day of job prospects including the ADD clarity after the ritual last night deserves a GONG!
19 May 2008
5/19/2008 - Success Ritual #2
18 May 2008
5/18/2008 - Egyptian Pharaohs
Attended a seminar held by Leo about enchant pharaohs. Learned a few things:
Egyptians had harnessed the power of electricity.
They actually have found clay pots filled with heavy metals which help electric charges to be used for?.....
We are currently in the switch over time between the astrological age of Pisces and Aquarius which Leo called ages of religion and liberty respectively.
Mustafa (soon to be guest of Leo and offering a lecture on his theories) has a theory that Akhenaton (aka Thutmosis III) and other Pharaohs were actually biblical icons, Kings David and Solomon, Moses and even Jesus.
An interesting thing happened after the seminar when an outspoken attendee railed Leo something about negativity and threats and was walked out. I walked out with them in case there was a physical altercation, but it seemed to resolve well.
Even more interesting was the Khufu/Think+ resemblance which I could not understand what the dot meant. After talking to Leo, he stated that the pyramids used to be polished and reflective and that the dot should be in the east quadrant. Maybe the dot represents the sun….HHMMMMM?
I sent him the below email that night:
Thank you for the lecture this afternoon. I really found it intriguing. I cannot help thinking that the symbol I found is definitely pointing into the sun's reflection off the surface but to what end, I am not sure. I know that the pyramids are higher than the tropic of cancer so direct reflection reaching the apex would not never happen, but the symbol puts the dot halfway up one of the edges. Something is happening there I know it. This is so very exciting!!
Maybe I will know more for next month's meeting. My wife is intrigued by the material and I think she would like to join us for the pyramid lecture.
Oh and by the way, I released several hundred lady bugs on my rose plants this evening. It was a really cool experience and oddly centering. Nothing like a cloud of rose savers circling your head.
Check out this interesting article too:
16 May 2008
5/16/2008 - Think+ Day 4

15 May 2008
5/15/2008 - Think+ Day 3/Neurologist/Numerology - G9
So I was sitting in the neurologist office looking at an anatomical chart about the brain, 1st pic attached, and I looked at the bottom corner and thought to myself, “that looks familiar”. If you take it and flip it over, it looks very similar to the symbol from a few days ago. GONG!

My friend sent me an email about numerology and I found it very interesting. My son and I are both born on the 22nd, which apparently is not condensed in numerology. It represents the “Master Builder” defined as someone who has latent power, nervous tension, spiritual understanding of the material world and high ideals. I am reading a book, Pillars of the Earth, and Master Builder is referenced thorought. I thought this was kind of cool.
I came up with a couple of unknowns when reviewing my numerology reading:
1. Do you include a Y as a vowel when calculating the Soul Urge?
2. Is a Birthday of 22 a 22 or it is a 4 when using it in other calculations?
3. Is the personal year the current cycle based on the chart below, or is it the beginning of a new cycle, how do you know what cycle you are in?
If anyone knows the answeres, please let me know. I also made a really cool spreadsheet to determine your numerology reading. Please email me if you would like a copy.
Meditation (asking for clarity or bring it all together, thanks for healing, uplift me to be a better spiritual, healing individual) Repeat of yesterday
14 May 2008
5/14/2008 - Think+ Day 2
I thought it looked like a recent method of encryption that I was recently looking into when trying to decode the Fibonacci numbers.
Meditation asking for clarity to bring it all together, thanks for healing and uplift me to be a better spiritual/healing individual.
13 May 2008
5/13/2008 - Think +
This morning while driving past the office I noticed three "homeless" men walking through the front parking lot. I thought for some reason that I should watch them in case they break into someone's car (derogatory assumption, I know). I turned around and watched them walk casually through without stopping. That was silly I told my self and drove back to the back parking lot. I noticed one of the men strayed away from the group toward my car after I parked it next to the trashcan. When I opened the door, the man was standing there and he said something like "I was going to help you throw out your trash because I thought that was why you were parking here. I was going to help for some cash so he could get something to eat." I told him I was not throwing anything out, but I had a banana with me so I handed it to him. He asked again for some money and I told him I only have pennies (lucky pennies that I always keep in my pocket...Cooper gets all my silver). I gave him a few of my lucky pennies and he says something in another language and then Thank You (something like "Te ke ala"). The whole situation interested me and I was compelled to take the guy over to McD's for breakfast, but I did not.
I looked all over for something in another language online (possibly Navajo) that matched it and I could not, but I did find an interesting web page of a Hawaiian teacher who holds a personal development class called Ho'opono pono ke ala. It seems to match closely with the Order’s theories. I feel that since I was made in Hawaii, it may be pertinent to me and plan at some point to send her a letter or email.
During a meeting, later in the day, I was brainstorming on combining Think+ into a symbol.
I also had a meditation asking The Universe for clarity to bring it all together, employment success, thanks for healing, uplift me to be a better spiritual and healing individual in the best interest of me, my family, humanity and the universe itself. Specifically, when will our life be stable again.
That evening when getting the mail, two peices had exactly the same statement on them "4 Weeks." This feels like an answer so I take note of the date, June 9th.
10 May 2008
5/10/2008 - A Brush with Death - G8
Picture this:
My son and I are driving during a nice, but windy, Saturday morning. I have the windows down and am smiling and contemplating my life to this date.
I think of reading The Alchemist and its similarity to a theme in Carlos Castaneda’s books where death plays a key role:
Don Juan tells Carlos about when he first met his teacher. He had spent many years as a slave worker on a farm in Mexico . His master got so angry with him one day that he shot him and left him for dead on the road. Don’s teacher came to his aid and nursed him back to health. Don Juan became an apprentice to him and the teacher sent him back to the farm telling him that he can learn his best sorcerers’ lessons under persecution and threat of death. This is when a sorcerer thrives. It is almost as if impending death brings about clarity and rebirth.
I was thinking about this lesson on death and the sheep herder’s similar situation where he was going to be killed if he could not turn into the wind. I was picturing the conversations he was having with the desert, wind and sun and how the wind kicked up to high speeds at the thought of him discussing his situation with the hand that wrote it all. While thinking about how brushes with death can change a person and cause almost a rebirth, a gust of wind pushes into the car and brings along with it dust. It picks up a piece of trash that I mistaken for something I did not want to lose. I grabbed twice for the trash and then looked back at the road. I was heading straight for the curb.
I turned the wheel and went into a flat spin and spun across the lanes sliding between a small gap in the median. I was screeching into on coming traffic and stopped a few feet from the curb on the other side. Miraculously, my son and I were fine. The car was no worse for ware and I felt like this was an embodiment of what I was just thinking about. GONG!
09 May 2008
5/09/2008 - The Alchemist
I sat down and took note of quotes that stood out to me particularly the last one.
Said to a Goddess by the lake: "I weep for Narcissus, but I never noticed that Narcissus was beautiful. I weep because each time he knelt beside my banks, I could see, in the debts of his eyes, my own beauty reflected."
"They boy reached through to the Soul of the World, and he saw that it was part of the soul of God. And he saw that the soul of God was his own soul. And that he himself could perform miracles."
"Everything that happens once can never happen again. But everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time."
"Everything has been written by the same hand."
"When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person realize his...Personal Legend."
“’but what if I can’t (turn myself into the wind)?’
‘Then you’ll die in the midst of trying to realize your Personal Legend. That’s a lot better than dying like millions of other people, who never even know what their Personal Legends were.'
’But don’t worry,’ the alchemist continued. ‘Usually the threat of death makes people a lot more aware of their lives.’”
08 May 2008
5/08/2008 - Dead Dove
07 May 2008
5/07/2008 - Auntie - G7
Late in the evening, the friend we stayed with in CA calls and immediately asks a weird question; “Tell me honestly, is your head ache better in the past two days than it has been in a long time?” This takes me by surprise, so I ask why.
She said that she just got off the phone with the Craniosacral therapist and she asked how I was doing. She told her that she had not spoken to me in a while. The thrapist said that she was not really worried about me because she has been reaching out from CA and checking in on me trying to heal me from afar. She said that she had the distict impression that I was better than I had been in a long time over the past two days. GONG!!!!
I spent a good hour talking to her about what all has been going on in my life and the GONG’s ringing left and right. She said that she was sending me a book and that I needed to read it. It is called “The Alchemist” and she felt I would find it interesting. She also suggested I get “The Power of Flow” and “The Tao of Psychology.” I eagerly await the books.
06 May 2008
5/06/2008 - Wife Psychic? - HA GONE!
I have for the past three days been thinking positively. I have been telling my body that it does not need the pain and that my headache is cured, gone forever. Well, this morning I woke up and it really was gone forever! This is the happiest day I have had in a long time. It is gone, and I am so glad!
My wife, son and I went to get ice cream to celebrate at Stone Cold (Steve Austin) Creamary (hehehe) next to a toy store. After the ice cream, my wife wanted to return something to the toy store. My son and I went to the car to wait for her. When we got in to the car, he said “We don’t have a ball?” I asked what he meant and he said “we have this toy, but we don’t have any balls in the car.”
I told him that I knew we did not and maybe Mommy would get him one in the toy store. I thought that I should call her and ask, but her cell phone was in the car with us. I attempted to “ask” her through thought. We waited in the car and she came out and immediately said “Look what I brought you buddy!" and pulled out a green rubber ball from the bag she brought with her.
She said that she saw them there and thought that he would like one.
05 May 2008
5/05/2008 - Success Ritual #1
********The Star******** Hierophant
*********************** 8W
PageP, 2W, 7W, 3P, KnightS
*********************** 8P
********Empress******** 3W
This is screaming at me that change is coming.
I come to realize after I was wondering where the moon was that it was actually the new moon. Not sure why this is, but I took it that this was the beginning ritual to be repeated at the full moon. Things that you want to come to you should be introduced on the new moon and built up and completed on the full moon.
04 May 2008
5/04/2008 - Hebrew Guitar
The priest came to the from of the altar and started discussing Fraternal Orders and introduced all members of the congregation who were members of The Daughters of the King. Two women walked over and he continued to read scripts that they all would act out in order to reestablish their membership in this order. I too found this interesting as I am investigating a similar Order to see if I would try and become a member. Then the interesting part came, the wife of the priest came late and stood up next to the other two women. This was definitely an interesting synchronicity as she also had Hebrew letters on her guitar. The letters were three in number and one of any combination of SHIN, HEY, CHET or TAV. SHIN definitely was the first letter (right most) and it did have a tilde mark on the right making it a SH sound instead of S. The first and second letters had vowel sounds beneath them. I later remembered that HEY was associated with the 15 in the tree of life.
02 May 2008
5/02/2008 - The Secret
One month later, he was brought off of the respirator and 5 months later walked out on Christmas day. All he did was picture himself walking and breathing and healed himself. I decide to take a positive attitude about everything I can, be happy. I also decided to cure my headache because if he could fix his damaged tissue, I could fix my headache. I started thinking that I no longer had a headache, that I do not need it anymore that it was gone.
01 May 2008
5/01/2008 - Ratatouille - G6
Talked to Leo and he wished me happy Beltane and asked if we were going to the ritual in the mountains. We were not, but I wished him a merry time.
While watching Ratatouille, the following scene struck me as synchronicity GONG:
Good food is like music you can taste, color you can smell. There is excellence all around you. You need only be aware to stop and savor it.
Remy notices a leftover plate of FRUITS & CHEESES. He picks up a small slice of cheese and takes a bite.
Gusteau was right. Each flavor was totally unique.
As Remy closes his eyes his surroundings FADE TO BLACK. An amorphous COLORED SHAPE appears above his head accompanied by a cello bass line.
Oh, yeah. Amazing. But... combine one flavor with another--
Cheese still in his mouth, Remy takes a bite of the STRAWBERRY.
REMY (CONT’D) -and something new was created.
New COLORED SHAPES and musical signatures appear; swirling and dancing in harmony with the others.
Emailed the info to Leo for his opinion:
My wife and I were watching Ratatouille (Disney/pixar and we all know about their supposed roots) and the main character was told not to focus on the negative to “see” (I love the Castaneda-esque term so much!) what it was in life he wanted. Just before this a chef on TV in the movie said something like “Food is like music you can taste…colors you can smell”, and after this he eats a piece of food while closing his eyes and “see”s colors swirling with cool blues, greens and yellows based on the stimuli of the different foods. The only cognitive sense remaining from our discussion and experience is tactile. Taking this one step at a time is definitely the way to go for adding taste, smell or touch would be overbearing and counter productive. I think it strange that this topic is expanding before my eyes. I just feel like I can’t “see” for the trees and that something deeper is missing from the equation.