20 August 2008

8/20/2008 - Perception

I was reading an article on perception. The article stated that since the perception of our environment is built through the collection of information by our various sensory organs translated by our brains, we can never really know for sure that the object we are seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and/or tasting actually exists. Basically, we can only know that our brain has collected the information and interpreted it based on previous experience and deduction and presented to us what it feels the object is. The article was careful to state that this does not change the fact the the object is in fact real and is (most likely to be) what we perceive it to be.

This hit me in a familiar way. Many year ago I was contemplating this subject and wrote the following in my Book of Shadows:

"In previous times of deep thought I imagined that the world was a conspiracy to conceal the acts of an intellectual genius. That all the people in this world were setting up all the scenes that I viewed. Essentially it was all an act. Everyone was just playing their part in a play to make these environments seem real.

Upon further contemplation I determined that I was the one who was doing this. Wherever I went I, without knowing it, set up the environment using what I have "learned" was reality. A room has four walls, a ceiling, a floor, furniture, etc. I am conspiring with myself to keep the world real. I must relearn my perception devices and 'see through reality.'"

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