31 May 2012

Think+ Again! - 5/31/2012

Today a co-worker who I have never discussed my Think+ statement/symbol responded to an email I sent with this: "Oh, the Power of Positive Thinking!" It still is following me around! :)

29 May 2012

It is the Little Things that Count - 5/29/2012

The other day I was sitting there thinking to myself, "I have not had a call, or text or email come into my phone all morning." As I picked up my phone to see if I had any messages or icons on my droid, it rings. My wife was the first call I got all morning and it came in right when I was noting and looking over my phone! :) If that was not enough, this morning I came in thinking I would have to reschedule a meeting at 09:00 as I did not have enough time to prepare. I opened outlook and was going to email a coworker who coordinated it, and there was an email from her that had just arrived stating that she was going to have to reschedule the meeting. Like I said, it is the little things that matter and let you know you are still following the path properly!

11 May 2012

Think+ the Production Company - 5/11/2012

I went to watch the movie Hugo today and during the opening credits saw a variant of the Think+ symbol staring me straight in the face. The logo for the company, Infinitum Nihil, turns out to be Johnny Depp's production company:

I find it so interesting how this symbol keeps following me around.  The universe is truly amazing!

29 April 2012

Outhouse - 4/29/2012

Did you ever wonder why someone says a copany develops something "in house?" is that opposed to "out house?"

Today, after laughing to myself earlier in the day about this funny little phrase, a co-worker verbalized this to me. I never thought of this silly statement until today. Now the day I do, another person comes up with it within only a few hours!?

Psychic anyone?

20 April 2012

Triple Psychic? - 4/20/2012

I went with a friend to see a movie today. Wen I was pulling into the parking structure, I saw a car coming down e street toward me. For some strange reason I though this must be my friend, although I have never seen his car. When I was waiting for my parking ticket, the same car pulls in behind me. IT WAS HIM and I knew it be fore I even saw him!

Before the movie we ate lunch. During jthe conversation he told me that he and his wife were expecting. On the drive to the theater, I told myself "he and his wife have been married about a year, I bet they are going to have a baby soon!"

After the movie, which was fun BTW, I gave the attendant my endorsed parking ticket. He took it and replied "six dollars please."

I dug through my wallet and handed it to him but paused as he grabbed the money. "Did I not have the ticket endorsed?"

I asked. "yes...sorry there is no charge. Have a nice day!" the attendant said after flipping over the ticket.

 I placed the six dollars into my shirt pocket and drove to run an errand of shredding some personal documents at a local charity. After using my coupon to pay for the four bags of documents, the receptionist said "That will be six dollars sir"

Guess what the universe has stuck into my shirt pocket...exact change! Quite an interesting day!

13 April 2012

Pennies from heaven (or more like dollars) - 4/13/2012

The universe has been sending me a lot of money lately.  Within one week I won $40 in the lottery, got three healthcare mistakes resulting in $60 refund and was notified by the state that I had almost $700 in unclaimed promptly (cash) waiting for me!  I can't wait to see what is next ;)

06 April 2012

Colors and museum - 4/6/2012

Today while touring the Atomic museum in Albuquerque, I found the most intriguing device on display:

This is a Specro-Chrome Device invented by Dinshah Ghadiali in the early 20th century.  Supposedly used to treat varied physical maladies using simply projected light through different colored filters.

This is very interesting because Leo and I have researched color and music (see the post 4/11/2008 - Another Lunch with Leo) and felt that this device would be quite interesting to do some experiments with!


28 March 2012

0424240 - 3/28/2012

I made an eye doctor appointment today and found the date and time interesting. April 24th at 2:40pm, that is 0424240. Kind of fun! I need to keep my eyes out for anything else interesting.

21 March 2012

Tootsie - 3/21/2012

Only a few minutes after telling our son about the old tootsie candy commercial with the owl, the commercial appeared out of nowhere.  I have not seen this commercial in probably fifteen years only to turn on the tv and see it there after just telling him about it.


18 March 2012

Buster - 3/18/2012

This weekend I was not able to ignore a call in my heart to look at city shelters for a dog.  I spent a four hours looking at pictures of dogs.  Eventually our family went to two local shelters.  When we arrived into one building at our west side shelter I immediately noticed a dog huddled under a pile of three other dogs being violated by another male dog who was obviously trying to dominate him.  This sad little dog seemed completely malnourished with ribs and hip bones sticking out.  We spent a little time with him and decided that he was going home with us!

After a few days we quickly realizes that without human intervention, this dog will allow any other dog to come along and eat its food.  We knew that if we had not adopted him that he would had been dead in a matter of days.  He gained four pounds in a couple of weeks which equates to about fourty perent of his body weight!

Meet Buster! ! :D

Not only has he quickly become a part of the family, but he has transformed my son.  It is as if he has filled my son's only child syndrome.  He is happier, more mindful, kind and interested in everything now.  Buster has been truly a blessing!

06 March 2012

A winter of destruction - 3/6/2012

Not only have I has an incredibly dry winter of synchronicity, but my family and I have seemed to experience an inordinately high degree of bad luck and illness.     Starting with a scary tonsil surgery and an uncomfortable departure of a guest in our home, we seemed to be trapped in a downward spiral.  My son went back into the hospital after the surgery, broke his finger in NY, and had two back to back illnesses that put us at brink of being over the maximum absences from school.  I actually counted 56 consecutive days in the first quarter where a member of my family was sick.  Some lung attacking illness that lasted over two weeks per person! :P

My wife and I discussed the need to do something about our stretch of bad luck.  Cleanse the house, do a karma reset, good luck ritual...something!