11 May 2010

5/11/2010 - Chris Walken

I hung up from a phone call today and turned to my office mate and did a really bad Christopher Walken impersonation. He and I shared a laugh and ten minutes later went to a meeting together. We all gathered around making small talk and my boss, the same person who brought up Evangelist to me the other day, said "I saw an interview last night with Christopher Walken."

I have not thought about Christopher Walken in the longest time and all of a sudden, within a few minutes of doing an impersonation, my boss mentions this in a meeting.

Could the reality of another individual in my circle of acquaintances possibly effect mine? Could the action of him watching the show the previous night produce the impersonation the next day? It very much seems possible does it not?

05 May 2010

5/5/2010 - Accessing the Evangelist

I went to a Microsoft© demo for SharePoint 2010© today (don't mind the copyright tags, I just want to make sure I am on the up-and-up.) After hours of presentations I noticed that the MS Access© product was obviously missing. I tuned to my co-worker and mentioned that it was odd that the speaker has not mentioned it at all. Not ten seconds later, the presenter mentions Access© during the presentation. Keep in mind that we were in a room on near 100 people and I was sitting about 50 feet from the guy.

The next speaker introduced himself as a MS Evangelist. I found this interesting and turned again to my co-worker who also is a youth pastor and asked him, "what exactly is an Evangelist."

His response lead me to believe that is was someone who travels the world spreading the "word." I compared it to a revivalist traveling with a tent around the south in movies. "Kind of" he responded.

We returned to our office shortly after this. During a meeting I attended in the afternoon with my Boss, he mentions to me that for us to succeed at this new process we need to become "Evangelists."

It is so amazing how this stuff works!