13 November 2009

11/13/2009 - Apostrophe

Today, in the same area my son and I found the feather symbols, I saw a curious apostrophe symbol. I have seen similar characters in many languages, but want to put it in the context of my previous post describing an analysis of these symbols (11/4/2009 - Symbol Analysis.)

From the paper, How the Past Affects the Future: The Story of the Apostrophe by Christina Cavella and Robin A. Kernodle:

"The term itself, used to refer to the punctuation mark /’/, has its roots in the Greek word apostrephein, which means ‘to turn away’ (American Heritage, 1992, s.v. apostrophe). The word was used in Greek to describe a rhetorical device in which a speaker turned away from the audience to address another person, either real or imaginary, and eventually the term came to express the concept of something missing, in this case, the absence of letters or sounds."

I thought I would take the Hebrew approach to adding this symbol into the mix. The apostrophe in Hebrew is referred to as geresh having two meanings from a wikipedia definition:

1. An apostrophe-like sign placed after a letter (also known colloquially as a chupchik)
2. A note of cantillation in the reading of the Torah and other Biblical books, taking the form of a curved diagonal stroke placed above a letter

If the geresh is added to the letters previously analyzed, it slightly changes their pronunciation hence changing the letter it may represent. Although this is interesting, adding a geresh to any of the letters below would not change them in any way, or more accurately I think the geresh is not associated with these letters in Hebrew, but letters like Gimel, Shin, Vav, Kaph, Tav and Dalet.

The other possibility is that this symbol is actually a Yud in Hebrew. This represents the letter I or J. Adding J into the mix of letters from the post you get the following additional words for the letters BRABEHIYJ:

JAY (this may be of significance however!)

Interesting stuff.

05 November 2009

11/5/2009 - Lunch Discussion with Leo

I had lunch today and had the opportunity to discuss these recent symbol sighting. We contemplated the foot symbol from yesterdays posting and the first thing that hit him was it reminded him of a flag. This may be because he saw it first upside down. He found this interesting as it along side of the feather symbol reminded him of the Egyptian goddess Maat, the goddess of truth, balance and order.

This symbol, sometimes may be referred to as the feather of Maat, represents the weight to which the heart of the deceased will be measured by Anubis in the Underworld. If a balance is obtained, the individual would be granted access to the Blessed Land (Heaven.)

Here is the comparison between the symbols:

I know now that finding this symbol with my son in our house the day before our tragic family event was only a sign that the heart of the one we lost balanced true and gained access to a better life in Heaven. It also means to me that the love of the Universe is with us in this time of need.

04 November 2009

11/4/2009 - Symbol Analysis

I researched the significance of the two symbols my son and I discovered on the carpet (see posting 11/3/2009 - Eye in the Sky) as well as this new eye of Horus cloud I saw and this is what I came up with:

The first symbol in Egyptian represents a foot and the letter B. It also, interestingly enough, is very similar to the inception of the Cauda/Caput Draconis symbol I have been playing with in postings like 11/08/2008 - Signs in the Sky, 11/18/2008 - Cauda Draconis - G16, and 01/05/2009 - Cauda or Caput.

Here are the symbols side by side:

The second symbol represents the reed and the letters I and Y in Egyptian and I have not been able to figure out any significance to it at this time.

The third symbol in the sky, the eye of Horus, may represent the mouth in Egyptian which in turn stands for the letter R. This looks similar to a football with pointier ends. In researching what this symbol might mean, I found an interesting article about how the Eye or Horus was used in measuring fractions in enchant Egypt.

The below image describes how the different areas represent a different fraction:

Considering the mouth/football shape, the following applies to the eye of Horus:

This fraction represents 13/16 or .8125. Using Gematria the following information can be extrapolated:

8 = Chet = H = "Friend", Breath, Longing, Obey, "Beloved", Vegetation, Entrance, Fish, Elephant, to Bind, to Speak
1 = Aleph = A
2 = Bet = B = Toward, in, Within, Among, by, at, upon
5 = Hey = E = Vault, Bloom, Being Hollow, Flee, This Thing, Fugitive, Vapor, Mist, Food, Pit, Ridge View(Ridge Crest), Piece of Wood

Taking these letters and the above Egyptian ones the following English words come up that I can see (from the following BRABEHIY):


All very interesting, but nothing coming together at this point for me.

Any ideas?

03 November 2009

11/3/2009 - Eye in the Sky

When driving home today I looked up and saw a large cloud in the sky that greatly resembled an eye of Horus. Its uncanny nature made me pause and contemplate the shape. I am not sure why all of these Egyptian-esque symbols keep popping up...but am going to continue to investigate.

26 October 2009

10/25/2009 - Devistation

I have been contemplating how best to describe one of the single most horrible experiences my family has had to endour today to the general public, but am at a loss for words.

I will say this much: our hopes are dashed, our dreams are smashed and the future will be invelitably different that we previously expected.

Those of you who know me personally, you should know exacly to what I am referring.

My family needs your posative thoughts now more than ever.

25 October 2009

10/25/2009 - New Symbols

This morning my son and I were walking down the hallway from his room when he said to me "Look daddy!" and pointed to the carpet on the landing. I immediately saw an interesting pattern of reflected sunlight similar to this:

I looked at him quizzically and he grabbed my hand leading me back into his room. He picked up a book I recently bought him on the Egyptian pyramids and there on the edge was a hieroglyphic character matching the shape on the carpet. Interested, but not ready to call it a synchronicity, we talked back out of his room and saw another sun reflected shape:

He immediately said that there was another and ran back to the book pointing out a second symbol on the book. I will have to investigate these interesting symbols/hieroglyphs and see if there is anything significant going on.

Up until this day, there has been an absolute void of synchronicities. It seemed to start when I donned Leo's ankh. I even resorted to removing it several weeks ago in hopes that they will return...we will see.

28 August 2009

8/28/2009 - Unheeded Warning

While traveling down a busy street toward home after work, I picked up my phone and saw two calls from two different friends. I decided after a quick look that I would respond to the second call. While talking no the phone, which you can get a ticket for in Albuquerque, I noticed that a police officer was walking out into oncoming traffic waving me to a parking lot.

As I was unable get over before the turn, I motioned to the officer that I was going to turn around. Once I pulled up, the office told me that I was an honest man and decided to give me a warning...Lucky as I was traveling 16 miles over and would have well over $100 if not two!

The anti-synchronicity is that I called the first caller and found that it was my friend trying to warn me about the speed trap.

I have noticed ever since I donned the Ankh from Leo that either I have had absolutely no Synchronicities, or have had the reverse happen as described above. Is this psychosomatic, or am I focused on the order's teachings too much?

01 August 2009

8/1/2009 - Wear the Fish

I decided today to get back into the study of the order, it just hit me as a pertinent time. As a symbol of my dedication, I put on the Ankh that Leo gave me several months ago. If you remember, it actually went into the Great Pyramid of Giza with him on his last trip to Egypt. See the Leo and the Twenty and Christmas Party posts.

I am excited to see what this does to the syncronicities!

14 July 2009

7/14/2009 - Hair Cut

My wife and I were sitting in the kitchen discussing how we could not take our son to his haircut appointment in the next few minutes. I looked at her and said "lets call them and cancel our appointment" and handed her the phone. We talked for a few more minutes about if we should do it or not and finally decided to call them. My wife looked at the phone and went to press talk and it rang. She answered and it was the salon calling to cancel the appointment as there was an issue.


01 July 2009

7/1/2009 - Close Call

Yesterday I pulled into my garage and found my car parked in such a way that if I opened my back door it would only clear my wife's car's front bumper by litterally 3mm. I thought it was pretty cool, but nothing super syncronisitous.

Today, when pulling into the garage, I said to myself "I am going to park in the same exact spot with the exact same space between our cars!"

After I parked I pulled open my back door and low-and-behold...3mm. I had to take a picture:

22 June 2009

6/22/2009 - Joshua

My wife, son and I were traveling through the Mojave desert to the bay area today when I saw for the first time a Joshua Tree. This was an amazing sight to me as I have never seen a tree, which was also a yucca. I was so amazed that I kept telling my wife that we would stop and take a closer look, maybe I would stumble across a log or small piece of the tree to see how dense they are. The opportunity did not arise until the end of the desert just before the pass to Tehachapi when I stopped and visited one of these trees. As I walked around the tree to inspect the bark, which by the way is truly the bark of a tree not a yucca, I thought that it would be amazing to see an old piece of trunk to see what it was constructed of on the inside. As I walked out from underneath the tree and left a light touch on my shoulder as if someone was grabbing me. As I turned around, a small branch cracked loose and landed in my hand. I was able to closely inspect just a piece as if the tree heard by request.

04 June 2009

6/4/2009 - Amazing Lunch with Leo - G18

Gong #18

The universe is absolutely amazing!

Leo and I got into a discussion about time which mutated into an incredible realization about the moment I understood no other possibility than some form of divine intelligence:

The amazing synchronicities that I have been sharing here over the past year and a half are absolutely and without a doubt impossible unlikely, and yet they have been happening to me on a frequent basis. I have interpreted all of these incredible events as a designed and intentional intervention by some form of a higher power, Universe, God, Aten, Ra, all that was, is and will be. In a singular and linear reality there is absolutely no way in hell that all of this together can happen...but...what if there are an infinite number of parallel realities coexisting in the universe.

If this theory is true (something similar to string theory) then an infinite number of realities could result at any moment. Given an infinite number of possible realities, it is highly likely, if not common place that amazing syncronicities occur. This realization is my new Gong event and I am sticking with it.

This lunch continued to get deep, I mean really deep!

In order to see the truly incredible store about to unfold, please review my blog from 5/10/2008:

Brush With Death

So Leo was working on a Egyptology project with friends in North Carolina and he told them to not interrupt their routine. They took his advise and performed their weekly Saturday morning ritual of driving around looking at garage sales.

At one of the sales, his friends wife held up the book The Alchemist and told Leo "this looks interesting, you should get it."

He looked it over and dismissed it telling her that he usually does not read fiction. He turned to the owner and asked how much. As he could not turn away a 25 cent book, he ended up buying it. He was interested in the preface, but put the book away for the remainder of the trip.

On his way home, his plane broke down and he was rerouted to Las Vegas, a 4 hour flight. This gave him the perfect opportunity to read the book, which he did. This book had an equal, if not more significant, effect on Leo. It basically turned his world upside down. Every aspect of his life was reflected back to him in this book. He was laughing and crying the whole way home on the plane. Never in his life had he read a book from cover to cover in one sitting (although the book is really short.) Leo now says that it is his new favorite book.

After he got through his own OMG reenactment of what all happened to him, I turned to him and asked him if he remembered what happened to me with that book. He had totally forgot that it was that book and was even more amazed. "There has to be something amazingly special about that book if we both had this type of experience with it." I told him and he agreed.

It is really amazing that we both had this reaction to it.

I wish for my hand cramping on the keyboard's sake that this was all that happened, but check this out. I was telling my wife about the interaction later that night when I heard our dog fussing outside. I walked outside, looked up and my jaw dropped. I ran inside to get my wife and told her to look up in the western sky. There below the big dipper was the shape. There in the sky sitting for us both to see it stood. What does it mean, I still don't know, but here is what I have found out about its placement in the heavens.


The shape came below the constellation Leo! This may represent both Leo, or my son who it a Leo. It continues up to a star in Virgo, which is my wife's sign. It then crosses over to hydra at Hya and completes back to meet the bottom of Leo again.

Denebola - From the Arabic danab al-asad "tail of the lion" signifies misfortune and disgrace

Zavijava - Also from Arabic Zawiyat al-awwa meaning "Corner of the barking dog" AKA Alaraph, Beta Virginis

Hya - Known as the "Heart of the Snake" as well as, guess what, Alpharad which is Arabic for "The Solitary One"

Regulus - Latin for "Prince" or "Little King", Basiliscus with the same definition, Venant is Persian, Nakshatra Magha in Hindu Astronomy and again the Arabic Qalb Al Asad "Heart of the Lion"

Here is the image and I will leave this amazing day at that!!!:

03 June 2009

6/3/2009 - More Shapes

While studying this evening and munching on cheese and graham crackers, I looked over and saw the shape in not only the cheese, but the cracker. I turned to my wife and told her the whole story. I showed her the shapes and the rock and she thought it was all very interesting.

This is basically what I have been seeing:

31 May 2009

5/21/2009 - Mysterious Shape

I was driving north in Rio Rancho today when I noticed that there was an oddly geometric shaped cloud peering over the Manzano mountains. It was like a backward seven or maybe the top of an upside down trapezoid. I looked to the left and saw the exact same shaped could on Sandia too. I thought to myself, "that is weird?"

I drove for a little while longer and looked west on the mesa and saw a third geometric cloud in the same shape on the other side of the valley. I cannot deny that this was too coincidental so I kept my eye out for any other strange goings on.

Traveling on 550 through Bernalillo, I noticed the exact same shape created by the angle of the walking bridge over the railroad tracks to the railrunner station. I immediately diverted my car and drove over to the bridge. I could not find anything odd on the bridge, but once I turned around I saw a single rock at my feel which also resembled the shape. I took it!

I seemed to see it everywhere, but was not able to determine what it meant.

17 May 2009

5/17/2009 - BumbleBee

I was back in the Bay area visiting with our friends from the previous CA adventure. I was showing my excitement by singing "I'm so excited...and I just can't hide it" to my friend because we were about to see Star Trek in imax. Not a few seconds later an add for the new Transformer's movie comes on. When Bumble Bee is told that they are going away to college, he plays "I'm so excited..."

Just a nice quick synchronicity for the day :)

11 May 2009

5/11/2009 - Time Machine

I had an interesting day today.

It all started as I was reading to my son the Dr. Seuss book "I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today." I noted the number of tigers and how many were being subtracted:

30 - 1 = 29
29 - 7 = 22
22 - 9 = 13
13 - 5 = 8
8 - 5 = 3
3 - 2 = 1

Fibbonachi's sequence jumped out at me after 22 (30, 29, 22, 13, 8, 5, 3, 2, 1)

I thought it was interesting, but I did not think much of it other than to pay attention to any other odd happenings.

Later I was reading about this Giant Mystery Blob scientists found out in space which is the biggest object found to exist in the longest look back in time we have ever achieved (55,000 light-years across and 12.9 billion years old):


The next interesting thing was an old episode of X-men I was watching with my son about future mutants/heroes going back in time to "fix" time disturbances in order to release misery brought on the people of their perspective times.

This got me to thinking about the nature of time. Not only is the progression of time inescapable as it is scientific law, but it is also only a man made element of perception based on our local environment. Time as we know it would fail to exist without us perceiving it. Our perception would not stop the planet from rotating precisely at the speed it does and rotate around the sun in the way it does allowing for the myriad of life we know and love.

Anyhow, I was thinking about the xmen episode and how the small changes in the character's pasts using time machines completely messed up their futures when it dawned on me...we currently have the same power over time. What we as humanity do now is given as a legacy to future generations of humans. We can become the time machine to the past, or more importantly we have the power over the future. This in mind I am more convinced than ever that what I personally do to improve humanity can have a positive effect on the lives of others down the stream.

Kind of cool huh?

08 May 2009

5/8/2009 - I'm Done

Funny syncronicity of the day happened during a Project Management class I have been taking this week:

I had just sent an email to my co-worker saying simply "I'm Done" as he was finishing up typing "I'm Done". Previously in this email sting I had type among other things "Sorry to beat a dead horse". Not 30 seconds later the teacher told the class "I'm done...sorry to beat a dead horse."

We will see what other strange happenings go on this weekend!

01 May 2009

5/1/2009 - Witch Spot

My wife and I got a night out to go and see Wolverine. After the show I had a feeling that I should call Leo as we were going toward his neighborhood for drinks. I called and told him we were going downtown later and thought he may want to join us. He mentioned that he had been in the mountains for Beltane and he came back just to see his friend of his play downtown. I told him I hoped that we would hook up.

My wife and I finished our drinks and went down town. We went to her favorite Asian noodle bar and I texted Leo our location. He mentioned that he would be at a sushi place up the street. My wife and I finished dinner, walked to the car, and started the drive up to the sushi place so we could say hi.

By this time it was very late and the Friday night traffic started cruising through downtown. While crawling up the few blocks to the sushi place in the car, I realized without a shadow of a doubt that there would be a parking spot directly in front of the restaurant where Leo was. I thought this was silly because it was super busy and there is a large theatre and several restaurants there. I continued to drive up the street and when I came to the sushi restaurant, there was my "witch" spot directly where I needed it. I giggled to myself and drove on past, as we realized that our dogs had been in the house alone for several hours and we needed to go home.

In retrospect, I think I should have stopped to say hi, but regret is not in my vocabulary.

05 April 2009

4/5/2009 - Revealing Revelation

I discovered something interesting today from a discussion at church about Revelations. The Priest's wife was talking about how there are many theories about the symbolism of the 24 elders John discussed in his description of heaven. She mentioned that one person thought it might be the 24 gods of Babylon. This got me thinking and I immediately had a thought that I shared with her. If God has been referred to as "all that was, is and will be", meaning that God was always there throughout history, then there was some validity to every major society's worship. In other words, if God has always existed, any religion worshiping a Deity would be in some way worshiping God. This is why I am highly convinced that God is nothing more than a place holder for what one personally holds as a supreme being.

I knew eclectic paganism would not steer me wrong! Hehehehe :)

21 March 2009

3/22/2009 - A Year and a Day Later

Well, it has been a full year since the beginning of this adventure. One year ago I was discussing Leo's affinity to the Order, the change I sensed in my life and the new beginning of Tao in my life. I truly do feel like a different person and want to share the important lessons I learned:

1. Love - As hippy-dippy, peaceful and ridiculous as it may sound, love is main secret the universe has presented to me this year. I know now that as I live my life I should do everything in my power to present love in what I do. I would walk to the end of the earth for anyone...absolutely anyone

2. Walk the walk - After spending much energy on figuring out which path to walk in order to become most enlightened I found that is does not matter. It is not the path one takes, it is the way in which one travels. Walk life's path with power, intent, kindness and a smile on your face and you will not go wrong.

3. Think + - Do not live life down in the dumps. Live it with a positive attitude and positive things will happen to you. You will always achieve happiness if you live in the eternal positive.

4. Life is one big lesson - No matter what happens, use what seems to be horrible situations as opportunities to learn. There is no use on letting tragic events force you into a downward spiral because not only can always be worse, but it will always get better. Learning this helped me turn bad situations into positive learning experiences.

5. Pay attention - The universe is always communicating, keep an eye out for the signs. Interpreting synchronicity to help guide you can have amazing results.

6. Pray - Religion aside, spending time in solitude to meditate brings you closer to your inner self and in turn closer to God. If you do have the opportunity to do so, think good thoughts about anyone you can think of, or generally the entire planet...God knows we need the positive energy.

7. Gratitude - Part of being a happier person is feeling greatful for all the events in my life which brought me to where I am right here. Being greatful for the good things and people in your life will in turn bring more good things your way.

Thank you for reading!

The next year and a day will be refferred as "The Year of Love" to reflect the focus I personally will have on showing as much compassion and selfless love I can. The Blog title will now reflect this name.

17 March 2009

3/17/2009 - Cauda Draconis Returns

I decided today after consulting Leo that I am going to temporarily stop my membership to the Order. I have always taken heed the message from the sparrows from a spiritual perspective mentioned in the post by that name on 11/18/2008:

"If you obtain Cauda Draconis as an answer to a spiritual question: stop and think. You might be influenced and pushed in a dangerous, harmful direction, harmful and destructive for you as well as for others. Analyze your deeper motives and try to understand your real intentions when it comes to spirituality, or should we say magic? Are you sure your quest is not motivated by the desire to dominate other human beings without paying the price of true initiation which always involve reaching down to the depths of yourself? But maybe you are not the problem: take a critical look at the person you have chosen as your spiritual guide and examine his motivations. Do not lose hope however, and remember the one who said: seek, and you will find... Trust your intuition, it can change everything."

Not that I have any issue whatsoever with Leo being a wall on which I can bounce my spiritual revelations, I just have come to realize that the universe will unveil its knowledge to me as it is ready. If it means returning to the Order at a later time, I am sure it will make itself available again.

07 March 2009

3/6/2009 - NO Trip Canceled

I was in New Orleans all week for a work conference and was expecting my wife to join me on Thursday night. Well it turned out that our son got really sick and she was not able to make it. He was so sick infact, that I had to cancel my trip and come home on Friday instead of Sunday. I soon learned that this entire chain of events were also part of the cosmic syncronicity of late as you will soon see.

On the way back from New Orleans I sat next to a cowboy hat wearing ranchero guy. After a few minutes of the flight I offered some pretzels I had. He declined, but it got us talking. It turns out that he had not flown in near 30 years. He always said that it would only be in the case of an emergency.

It turns out that his 22 year old son, which he leaft at an early age, has just comitted suicide and he was coming back to bury him. He was most upset because his son, to whom he did not frequently speak, was usually upset with him and did not treat him totally well. He felt that maybe

My heart went out to the man, and his life reminded me of my childhood. My mother and I left my father when I was five and I always resented him for it. It was not until I finally met back up with him and realized that I was being stupid that I really felt like I was a complete man. I told this to the man on the plane and that I always loved my dad, but was rude and incincere before I realized that I was wrong. I think it helped him a little bit to tell him that I really did love my dad, and that I was sure that his son loved him.

We continued to cry and talk and it turns out that I took down his number and plan on going to the service when he lets me know.

The kicker of the whole thing is that the man's name is the same as a good friend I had when I was growing up. I was really glad I was on that plane to be there for him!

13 February 2009

02/13/2009 - Grampa in Hospital

I just heard today that soon after talking to my Grampa, started getting stomach pain. He finally went to the doctor who put him in the hospital. He stayed for nine days with severe internal bleeding. They released him, but he is still bleeding.

I can't help to think that the 48888 sign was meant to have me call him in hopes that it would help him with his hard trip through the hospital.

Glad he is back home and lets all pray that he gets better!

23 January 2009

01/23/2009 - $48,888.44

I built an equipment list for my boss and the total combined cost of the equipment was $48,888.44. This amount was curious to me and I turned to my coworker who said "it must be the sparrows talking!"

He immediately started googling things trying to determine what it might mean. He quick spouted off a few things until he said that a zipcode in Michigan was 48888. This immediately got me thinking about my Grandfather who lives in Michigan.

I called my grandfather that night and asked him if he was doing OK. He said he was fine but appreciated the call. It was nice talking to him as it has been a few years.

06 January 2009

01/06/2009 - Father?

I had lunch today with Leo. We were talking about Caput Draconis and the Gematria meaning of the bill from last lunch and he got excited about something. "Just wait until we get to my car; I have something to show you."

Once I got out to the car he showed me a book he found in his library. I do not recall the title, but it was all about a secret code from Jesus and the Bible. Leo found it earlier that day and was flipping through the pages when his eyes stopped on the beginning to a section "Father is a code word." It went on to describe how the word father was actually a code word for mystery school.

I found this incredibly interesting because the order is based on teachings from different mystery schools throughout history. The statement from the Gematria interpretation is now brought to a whole new level.

Is the Universe not amazing!

05 January 2009

01/05/2009 - Cauda or Caput

My boss recently stepped down and has moved on to another department. His team lead position has been posted and I was asked to interview. It looks very likely that I will get the position, but I am anxious because of the Cauda Draconis meaning which speaks of caution on the motives of coworkers and managers alike.

I have seen two other instances of the same symbol in jet streams in the sky since first seeing the sparrows and this tells me that caution at work should still be on my mind...that is until I was reviewing some paperwork this afternoon and I drew a line with a check mark at the end. Just after I drew this line I realized it was again the Cauda Draconis, but laying on its side. This got me thinking and it all hit me at once: What has been the position of the symbols I keep seeing.

I immediately remembered back to each instance I saw the symbol. The first time the sparrows were coming down wires to my left across the intersection diagonally and then across to the left. When I looked up at it, the tail actually came down. The second and third time the tail was coming down. This whole time I have been looking over my shoulder at work because of the warning coming from Cauda Draconis when the symbol was actually Caput Draconis (Head of the Dragon.)

The interpretation, from a business perspective of a business, is actually auspicious. Basically it is a great time to start something new. I feel quite a bit better about the possibility of getting the management job. I am actually excited that they may choose me and I am told that I am the front runner.