The universe is absolutely amazing!
Leo and I got into a discussion about time which mutated into an incredible realization about the moment I understood no other possibility than some form of divine intelligence:
The amazing synchronicities that I have been sharing here over the past year and a half are absolutely and without a doubt impossible unlikely, and yet they have been happening to me on a frequent basis. I have interpreted all of these incredible events as a designed and intentional intervention by some form of a higher power, Universe, God, Aten, Ra, all that was, is and will be. In a singular and linear reality there is absolutely no way in hell that all of this together can happen...but...what if there are an infinite number of parallel realities coexisting in the universe.
If this theory is true (something similar to string theory) then an infinite number of realities could result at any moment. Given an infinite number of possible realities, it is highly likely, if not common place that amazing syncronicities occur. This realization is my new Gong event and I am sticking with it.
This lunch continued to get deep, I mean really deep!
In order to see the truly incredible store about to unfold, please review my blog from 5/10/2008:
Brush With Death
So Leo was working on a Egyptology project with friends in North Carolina and he told them to not interrupt their routine. They took his advise and performed their weekly Saturday morning ritual of driving around looking at garage sales.
At one of the sales, his friends wife held up the book The Alchemist and told Leo "this looks interesting, you should get it."
He looked it over and dismissed it telling her that he usually does not read fiction. He turned to the owner and asked how much. As he could not turn away a 25 cent book, he ended up buying it. He was interested in the preface, but put the book away for the remainder of the trip.
On his way home, his plane broke down and he was rerouted to Las Vegas, a 4 hour flight. This gave him the perfect opportunity to read the book, which he did. This book had an equal, if not more significant, effect on Leo. It basically turned his world upside down. Every aspect of his life was reflected back to him in this book. He was laughing and crying the whole way home on the plane. Never in his life had he read a book from cover to cover in one sitting (although the book is really short.) Leo now says that it is his new favorite book.
After he got through his own OMG reenactment of what all happened to him, I turned to him and asked him if he remembered what happened to me with that book. He had totally forgot that it was that book and was even more amazed. "There has to be something amazingly special about that book if we both had this type of experience with it." I told him and he agreed.
It is really amazing that we both had this reaction to it.
I wish for my hand cramping on the keyboard's sake that this was all that happened, but check this out. I was telling my wife about the interaction later that night when I heard our dog fussing outside. I walked outside, looked up and my jaw dropped. I ran inside to get my wife and told her to look up in the western sky. There below the big dipper was the shape. There in the sky sitting for us both to see it stood. What does it mean, I still don't know, but here is what I have found out about its placement in the heavens.
The shape came below the constellation Leo! This may represent both Leo, or my son who it a Leo. It continues up to a star in Virgo, which is my wife's sign. It then crosses over to hydra at Hya and completes back to meet the bottom of Leo again.
Denebola - From the Arabic danab al-asad "tail of the lion" signifies misfortune and disgrace
Zavijava - Also from Arabic Zawiyat al-awwa meaning "Corner of the barking dog" AKA Alaraph, Beta Virginis
Hya - Known as the "Heart of the Snake" as well as, guess what, Alpharad which is Arabic for "The Solitary One"
Regulus - Latin for "Prince" or "Little King", Basiliscus with the same definition, Venant is Persian, Nakshatra Magha in Hindu Astronomy and again the Arabic Qalb Al Asad "Heart of the Lion"
Here is the image and I will leave this amazing day at that!!!:

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