16 April 2010

4/16/2010 - Angel in the Sky

I got glimps of an amazing pair of angel's wings in the sky today and had to stop and take a picture. Beautiful for sure!

07 April 2010

4/7/2010 - SKITAOS - G19

Gong #19

My son and I were walking out of the grocery store when I notices the below bumper sticker for a local ski resort in our area.

This is the bumper sticker. Please pardon the poor quality, I was in a hurry and the owner actually started walking up. I did not want to seem like some creepy guy taking pictures of his car:

Blow is a scan of some notes months ago when trying to relate the Think + symbol to colors and music. I was amazed by the similarity to the Think + symbol variation I have previously discussed in posting 7/01/2008 - Lunch with the King - G13. I have previously work quite a bit on determining the meaning of this symbol. I built several versions of it many months back and have a copy below. Nearly the same symbol in the middle is highlighted in red!

You can see from where the bottom symbol in the posting mentioned above came from. AMAZING!