25 November 2010

11/25/2010 - Hero

Remember the post about the Dukes of Hazzard? Funny thing happened while watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade this morning. Ever since the night we started singing these old TV show themes, I have not been able to get The Greatest American Hero song out of my head. At least two or three times a day I break out in "Believe it or not I'm flying on air. I never thought I could be so freeeeeeee, flying away on a wing and a prayer...who could it be...believe it or not it's just me." Even the morning of the parade I was humming and singing this with my wife and son.

We got to a part of the parade when a marching band was playing behind the announcers about to cut to commercial when there is came in the background. The band was playing the song I have been singing for weeks and this morning. It was truely amazing again as I have not heard this song since I was watching the show so many years ago!
