The first symbol in Egyptian represents a foot and the letter B. It also, interestingly enough, is very similar to the inception of the Cauda/Caput Draconis symbol I have been playing with in postings like 11/08/2008 - Signs in the Sky, 11/18/2008 - Cauda Draconis - G16, and 01/05/2009 - Cauda or Caput.
Here are the symbols side by side:
The second symbol represents the reed and the letters I and Y in Egyptian and I have not been able to figure out any significance to it at this time.
The third symbol in the sky, the eye of Horus, may represent the mouth in Egyptian which in turn stands for the letter R. This looks similar to a football with pointier ends. In researching what this symbol might mean, I found an interesting article about how the Eye or Horus was used in measuring fractions in enchant Egypt.
The below image describes how the different areas represent a different fraction:
Considering the mouth/football shape, the following applies to the eye of Horus:

This fraction represents 13/16 or .8125. Using Gematria the following information can be extrapolated:
8 = Chet = H = "Friend", Breath, Longing, Obey, "Beloved", Vegetation, Entrance, Fish, Elephant, to Bind, to Speak
1 = Aleph = A
2 = Bet = B = Toward, in, Within, Among, by, at, upon
5 = Hey = E = Vault, Bloom, Being Hollow, Flee, This Thing, Fugitive, Vapor, Mist, Food, Pit, Ridge View(Ridge Crest), Piece of Wood
Taking these letters and the above Egyptian ones the following English words come up that I can see (from the following BRABEHIY):
All very interesting, but nothing coming together at this point for me.
Any ideas?
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