25 October 2009

10/25/2009 - New Symbols

This morning my son and I were walking down the hallway from his room when he said to me "Look daddy!" and pointed to the carpet on the landing. I immediately saw an interesting pattern of reflected sunlight similar to this:

I looked at him quizzically and he grabbed my hand leading me back into his room. He picked up a book I recently bought him on the Egyptian pyramids and there on the edge was a hieroglyphic character matching the shape on the carpet. Interested, but not ready to call it a synchronicity, we talked back out of his room and saw another sun reflected shape:

He immediately said that there was another and ran back to the book pointing out a second symbol on the book. I will have to investigate these interesting symbols/hieroglyphs and see if there is anything significant going on.

Up until this day, there has been an absolute void of synchronicities. It seemed to start when I donned Leo's ankh. I even resorted to removing it several weeks ago in hopes that they will return...we will see.

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