04 May 2008

5/04/2008 - Hebrew Guitar

I came early to church this morning to sit in on "Children's Church." The wife of the priest was soon going to go to summer camp for several months and they are looking for musicians to help out. When she came out, I was interested because her guitar had Hebrew letters on it. I was not sure what they were, but she said they meant "Worship." I did not really think it too synchronisitous at the time, just interesting until the actual service a few minutes later.

The priest came to the from of the altar and started discussing Fraternal Orders and introduced all members of the congregation who were members of The Daughters of the King. Two women walked over and he continued to read scripts that they all would act out in order to reestablish their membership in this order. I too found this interesting as I am investigating a similar Order to see if I would try and become a member. Then the interesting part came, the wife of the priest came late and stood up next to the other two women. This was definitely an interesting synchronicity as she also had Hebrew letters on her guitar. The letters were three in number and one of any combination of SHIN, HEY, CHET or TAV. SHIN definitely was the first letter (right most) and it did have a tilde mark on the right making it a SH sound instead of S. The first and second letters had vowel sounds beneath them. I later remembered that HEY was associated with the 15 in the tree of life.

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